
  • Purchase a registration for yourself or for others. Upon check out, you will either enter your own name a second time or the name the order is for.
  • To order multiple items, return to the cart after each choice. You will be charged the total upon checkout.
  • Upon checkout, indicate choice of payment; cheque, etransfer or Paypal (credit card). Choosing Paypal will direct you to pay and will provide a receipt.
  • Your order details will be emailed to you.
  • Rates change after March 5th and online registration closes on March 18th.

Select Registration Member Non Member
Full Package (conference, meals, banquet) $170 $220
Thursday (only day registration) $90 $100
Friday (only day registration) $90 $100
Thursday Lunch Only Tickets $30 $30
Hall of Fame only Banquet Tickets $50 $50
NSFTA Annual Membership Dues $35
NSFTA Annual Membership Dues - Certified Forest Technician $70

Registration Price: N/A

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1031
Truro, N.S., B2N 5G9

Email Contacts:

General Info: