Associate Membership Categories

Associate Membership Categories

In addition to the previously described Active memberships; there are five categories of Associate membership. The qualifications for each Associate membership category are contained in the bylaws, and are summarised below:

Forester in Training (FIT): generally assigned to an applicant who has recently graduated from an accredited forestry program. FIT's are required to obtain 24 months of acceptable experience under the guidance of a sponsoring active member and successfully complete a jurisprudence exam within 36months of becoming a member.

Forestry Candidate (FC): an applicant who is in the process of obtaining the knowledge/demonstrable capability necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Certification Standard for the Practice of Professional Forestry in Canada. FC's are required to obtain 5 years of acceptable experience, 2 years of which are under the guidance of a sponsoring active member. CF's must successfully complete a jurisprudence exam within 36 months of becoming a member.

Student membership: available to students while in a forestry program

Inactive membership: for a member who is no longer employed in forestry but wishes to remain a member

Adjunct Forester membership: for applicants who have a BScF and significant experience in the region. Membership is these categories is generally for a limited period. During this period the member may participate in Association activities, network with members, and gain experience while completing the requirements for active membership.


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1031
Truro, N.S., B2N 5G9

Email Contacts:

General Info: